CHARLOTTE, NC (KRON/AP)—Protesters in Charlotte who spilled onto an interstate highway are being pushed back by police officers in riot gear.

After peacefully circling the city’s business district for several hours, several dozen demonstrators climbed onto Interstate 277 and stood in the middle of the highway.

A line of police officers with shields and face masks advanced on the protesters, and many dispersed and climbed back up embankments off the road.

Thursday marked the third night of protests after a shooting earlier in the week of a black man by police in Charlotte.

There are no reports of officer or civilian injuries during Thursday’s demonstration.9:45 p.m.

The mayor of Charlotte has issued a curfew Thursday night as protesters take to the streets for a third night.

Mayor Jennifer Roberts set the curfew for midnight to 6 a.m.

The large crowd is protesting the death of Keith Lamont Scott, who was fatally shot by a Charlotte police officer.

Some of them held signs reading “Black Lives Matter” and “End Police Terror.”

The National Guard was called in after a state of emergency was declared in North Carolina Wednesday night.

Protests turned violent Tuesday and Wednesday.

One of the protesters, Justin Carr, 26, was shot in the head the same night the state of emergency was declared.

Carr was taken to a hospital near Charlotte in critical condition. He later died of his injuries.

Police are still investigating Carr’s death.

More than 50 people have been arrested in connection to the protests.

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