**WARNING** — THIS VIDEO MAY BE CONSIDERED GRAPHIC TO SOME VIEWERSFLORIDA (KRON/CNN) — A Florida man is recovering from a surgery to remove a brain-eating parasitic worm that was living in his eye.Michael Poluska says he could see a little black dot moving left to right in his left eye.Doctors discovered it was a parasite that swam through sam Cordero’s blood stream from his stomach into his eye.“It came through the artery to vein circulation and it grew  in here, and you see it right there. There’s nothing that looks like this that’s not this,” Dr. Don Perez with Tampa General Hospital said.Cordero says he ate undercooked pork around Christmas.Months later he started seeing black dots in his vision, which was the worm settling into his eye.“If the parasite dies the inflammation could blind Cordero if it lays some of its 50000 eggs they could travel to his brain and begin eating it turning it basically into swiss cheese. Thankfully that didn’t happen,” Dr. Don Perez said.The doctor also says when these worms enter they brain they can cause seizures.Dr. Pperez  says he took out three millimeters of worm that was fertilized with those tens of thousands of eggs.He says there are roughly 20 documented cases worldwide of pork tapeworms and human eyes, and this is his second case.This tape worm is also responsible for 70 percent of all acquired epilepsy cases, yet most of them are never traced back to the worm. There are no reported cases in Muslim countries where people do not eat pork.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: