SAN FRANCISCO (KRON)—Fleet Week came to an end Sunday and people gathered in different places to watch the Blue Angels deliver their final show.

KRON4’s Alecia Reid spent the day with families enjoying their day on Treasure Island.

It was a party on Treasure Island and it was the final Blue Angels show for Fleet Week.

Veterans from different military backgrounds converged to enjoy the show.

“It’s the first time I’ve been here and I’ve really been enjoying it,” said Vietnam Veteran Kenneth Tollins.

“I’m thoroughly enjoying myself to be able to get out into the world and see everybody having such a good time,” said retired Marine Kathy Tuhy.

“Sometimes they fly by so low that you can see inside the cockpit,” said Army Veteran Lawrenzo Riley.

“I love being here with my fellow veterans,” said Navy veteran Mike Steel.

Brody Butler made sure to bring his camera to capture his experience.

“I think the show is really awesome,” said San Francisco resident Brody Butler. “The Blue Angels are my favorite types of planes.

In addition to watching these jets fly, fans from the Niner Empire club are using Fleet Week to help their cause raising funds for Bay Area veterans going back to school.

“Any school supplies, materials we’re taking those donations today,” said Leroy Bermudez of the Niner Empire chapter.

“To bring people together for, you know, the veterans and everything means the world to me,” said Joe Leonor of Niner Empire.

“The cause is of great importance to be able to give back to the community and to be able to give back to vets,” said Monica Leonor of Niner Empire.