SAN FRANCISCO (KRON)—Demonstrations against the election of Donald Trump as president continued again Saturday in San Francisco.

KRON4’s Spencer Blake was at the protests.

The second one wasn’t really planned ahead of time, but the important thing is, once again, the marches through the city were peaceful and calm.

The weekend’s Anti-Trump rallies in San Francisco began on Market Street, and then headed into the Castro district.

One marcher, Dave Steen, had never been involved in a protest before Saturday.

“Came to the area for inspiration for the next few years and saw this happening, so I joined in,” Steen said.

Demonstrators got cheers from people they passed in cars, shops, and restaurants.

“I think the whole situation has awakened kind of my whole generation,” said onlooker Brett Masterson. “I think everyone younger than me to become more politically active.”

Police helped clear the way, for the safety of the marchers.

After an hour or so in the streets, the group of 50 or 60 people took a short break.

They had hoped to join up with a separate protest, but things didn’t work out.

“Marched over here, got everyone hyped up for a second protest, but we get here and it turns out that one’s canceled, so now, round two,” said rally leader Faith Yakovleva who started a second march, emphasizing that it would be peaceful.

She told anyone who wanted to start a riot, to go someplace else.

The messages were the same ones you’ve heard all week anger at Donald Trump as a person, and at his election.

“I’m honestly trying to mourn the loss of all the progress Obama has made,” said protester Dancin’ Flo. “It’s healing for us, and it will make a difference down the road. How exactly is hard to tell.”