SAN RAFAEL (KRON)—More than a thousand people protested against President-elect Donald Trump in San Rafael on Sunday.

The protesters held a rally in the downtown area, but among the hundreds who showed up against Trump was a lone Trump supporter.

During the protest, a Trump protester decided to give him a hug and talk with him about why he supports Trump.RELATED: Hundreds protest President-elect Trump in SF

“We’re here supporting love, right?” said Katrina Kositzin. “So why wouldn’t I give him the love also? He deserves it.”

“I’m just hoping someone will talk to me about why I voted for Trump and possibly we can have some discourse,” Michael said

The Trump supporter says he did come to the protest with a fellow Trump supporter who left him at the protest alone.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Here’s a snapshot of a trump protester giving a trump supporter a hug at a protest in San Rafael today <a href=””>@kron4news</a> <a href=””>#Election2016</a> <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Lydia Pantazes (@LydiaPantazes) <a href=”″>November 21, 2016</a></blockquote>