NEW LONDON, Conn. (WTNH) – State police say six children have been sent to the hospital after suffering an electric shock on a New London amusement park ride.
“Emergency services transported several children to the local hospital, received some type of electrical shock. The most serious injured had some small burns on the palms of his hands from when he touched the metal railing when he was getting off the ride,” said New London’s Deputy Police Chief Peter Reichard.
State and New London police were called to 1225 Ocean Avenue (Ocean Beach Park) in New London just before 2 p.m. Tuesday after getting a report of people struck by electricity near the rides. Police say when they arrived, they found six people who said they suffered various degrees of electrical shock.
The investigation into what caused the electrical surge involves the State Police Fire and Explosion Investigation Unit. Investigators were going ride to ride looking for potential problems.
“You’ll see the lights going on and off at different rides behind us because they’re trying to isolate where the electric surge is coming from,” said Reichard.
Detectives worked at the scene until about 6 p.m. and then left for the night. The rides will remain closed until officials can determine the source of the problem.
Andrea Kambolli was visiting Ocean Beach Park with his family. Kambolli says they live near the park.
“We come here all the time. We see those machines being so old, so used. Nobody takes care of them,” said Kambolli.
The park’s management released the following statement:
“The safety of our guests is always our number one priority. The Connecticut State Police had been here all afternoon along with local police and the Fire Marshal’s office. We will continue to work closely to find out the answer.”
Park management says police are scheduled to return Wednesday morning to continue their investigation.