DAVIS (KTXL) — A vending machine has been installed in a study room on the UC Davis campus that offers Plan B, or the morning after pill.

It’s called the “Wellness To Go” Machine and it was installed in early April.

In addition to Plan B, it offers pregnancy tests, tampons, Advil and condoms.

The vending machine is a result of two years of hard work by former UC Davis student Parteek Singh.

“The more skeptical and negativity I got from other people like ‘oh it’s not gonna happen,’ kind of pushed me more,” Singh said.

Under the Obama Administration in 2013, Plan B became available to women of all ages without a prescription.

The Trump Administration’s threats to defund Planned Parenthood did not have an impact on his motivation to make this happen, Singh said.

The vending machine has received both praise and criticism.

“It is promoting like oh hey, go and have unsafe sex because then you have a backup option and its gonna be cheaper,” UC Davis student Jordan Herrera said.

Other students think it is a good option. “It’s a great thing for women,” KC Cui said.

UC Davis is one of roughly four campuses nationwide to have this kind of access to emergency contraception.

“I feel like every college should have this,” Singh said.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: