CHARLESTON, SC – The United States Coast Guard wants boaters and swimmers to keep two things in mind: caution and common sense.
“Right now the weather’s still questionable,” said Lt. Commander Shannon Scaff. “We had a significant weather event over the last 2 days or so, and the conditions have continued to deteriorate, so there’s some hazards that boaters may not be aware of.”
He says boaters need to note the wind speed and possibility for rip currents.
“As a surfer, rip currents are really our friend,” said Tommy Willingham, a surf instructor. Willingham said he taught lessons Sunday, but not as many people are wanting to venture into the water during the storm.
“Basically, with a rip tide current, if you can’t paddle with the regular current or walk out of it, you want to let it take you,” said Willingham.
Still, Lt. Commander Scaff warns, “we want people to exercise common sense. It’s rough out there it’s dangerous and we want people to consider that before they get in the water.”
Scaff said they performed attempted one rescue mission Saturday night, but called it off after visibility became poor. They later determined it to be a possible hoax mayday call.