BERKELEY (KRON)—A Bay Area teacher who has led multiple protests was on UC Berkeley’s campus speaking about defeating President Donald Trump ‘by any means necessary.’

Yvette Felarca , you might remember, led an anti-fascist rally in Sacramento last fall, and that rally turned violent.

Felarca was later put on administrative leave by the Berkeley Unified School District.

She has since been reinstated, but now says president trump’s supporters have made her the target of a witch hunt.

Felarca now says her recent interview with Tucker Carlson on fox news included a concerted effort to get her fired from her job.

Her attorney says there have been mass amounts of emails and phone calls to the district about Felarca.

“The Trump supporters and the fascist sympathizers-all they can rely on is temporization, and bullying, and we’re not gonna be bullied here in the bay area,” Felarca said.

Felarca represent the group ‘Bamn’ by any means necessary.

KRON4 asked today if that included violence and destruction of property.

Felarca’s attorney says they value human life more than cracked windows, and that speaking engagements for people like Milo Yiannopolous are nothing more than fascist recruitment rallies.

That attorney, Shanta Driver, even went so far as to compare the people she labels fascist – president trump among them – to mass murderers who are recruiting others to teach them how to be mass murderers.

To give you some perspective, this was not a speech given to an auditorium of people; it was a small press conference on the steps of the administration building.

There were only a few dozen people who gathered to hear Felarca and her attorney speak.