PHOENIX (AP) — A Hispanic Donald Trump supporter’s assertion that without Trump there could one day be “taco trucks on every corner” in the U.S. stirred ridicule, not to mention hunger, across the internet Friday.

Hundreds of tweets with the hashtag “taco trucks on every corner” popped up on Twitter, most of them from people salivating for the tortilla-wrapped food.

The social media onslaught was in reaction to a Thursday night interview on MSNBC with Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez, who said the Mexican culture is “dominant” and “imposing” before issuing his taco warning.

The opportunity to poke fun at Gutierrez’s remarks was too hard for many to pass up. Celebrities such as actors Patton Oswalt and Eva Longoria Baston jokingly referenced the hashtag in tweets. Various memes with statements such as “Election day is now officially Taco Tuesday” were also circulating.

Some groups drove the taco-truck comment further with real trucks.

A coalition of progressive Nevada advocacy groups offered free tacos Thursday while holding a press conference outside Republican Congressman Joe Heck’s office in Las Vegas.

The Arizona Democratic Party put the phrase up on the marquee of its building in mid-town Phoenix. Party officials also said there would be a taco truck on the property Saturday.

With several predominantly Latino neighborhoods, Phoenix is a city used to seeing taco trucks on the corner. In the wake of Gutierrez’s comments, Arizona Congressman Ruben Gallego decided to patronize one of them.

The Democrat posted a photo to his personal Twitter account of him ordering three carne asada tacos from his favorite taco truck for lunch Friday. The picture was accompanied by the tweet “about to assert my cultural dominance.” It has garnered hundreds of likes.

“I was just trying to bring some levity to it,” Gallego said. “Good food is good food and it will unite people whether they are Democrats or Republicans.”