WASHINGTON (MEDIA GENERAL) — Donald Trump accused President Obama on Monday morning of intentionally allowing “thousands and thousands” of refugees into the country who he claims will be even more dangerous than Orlando mass shooter Omar Mateen.

Mateen was born in New York but pledged allegiance to ISIS during his cold-blooded attack on the LGBT club during Pride month.

The United States set a new mass shooting record with the Pulse nightclub massacre, which left 49 victims dead and 53 injured, but the nation’s capital rapidly reverted to party lines.

President Barack Obama called the tragedy an “act of terror and hate,” imploring Congress to curtail easy access to assault weapons like the one used to kill dozens of victims in Orlando, Florida.

Presumptive Republican nominee Trump called into Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” on Monday morning to trash Mr. Obama, asserting, “This man has no clue.”

Trump continued that America has “thousands of shooters out there in this country” among citizens and refugees being allowed in from countries like Syria. He predicted the threat “could be the all-time great Trojan horse.”

Sensing ineptitude or a conspiracy, Trump insisted “there’s something going on” and predicted “Hillary Clinton is going to be worse than him.”

In the hours following the Orlando terror attack, Clinton tweeted, “We need to keep guns like the ones used last night out of the hands of terrorists or other violent criminals.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) voiced even stronger convictions on CNN’s “New Day,” explaining why he says “Congress has become complicit in these murders” by refusing to act on legislation to regulate guns.

Currently, people on the terror watch list, as Mateen once was, are legally permitted to buy firearms.

Mateen was twice investigated by FBI agents for suspected ties to terrorism, but the cases were dropped after interviews yielded no solid evidence.Follow Chance Seales on Twitter: @ChanceSeales