SANTA ROSA (BCN) — A 25-foot construction trailer loaded with aluminum gutter supplies fell off the Todd Road over-crossing onto a southbound U.S. Highway 101 onramp this afternoon, the California Highway Patrol said.

The truck landed on its roof but did not strike any vehicles on the onramp, CHP Officer Jon Sloat said.

The truck driver, David Groth, 45, of Santa Rosa, and a passenger were not injured in the 3:08 p.m. crash, Sloat said.

The Chevrolet 2500 truck was heading west on the Todd Road over-crossing when Groth tried to make an abrupt stop for traffic, Sloat said.

The weight of the trailer caused the truck to continue moving over a curb and through a guardrail, Sloat said.

The truck hung for a few seconds before it and the trailer fell onto the freeway below, blocking the No. 3 lane and the onramp to southbound Highway 101, Sloat said.

The crash affected all but the No. 1 lane of southbound Highway 101, but all southbound lanes reopened around 4:35 p.m. The northbound lanes were backed up to the Cotati grade to the south, Sloat said.

The crash also closed westbound Todd Road at the over-crossing, Sloat said.