The turnout for San Francisco’s 3rd Annual Women’s March was among the largest in the nation. 

The march was led by strong women who are dissatisfied with the status quo. 

Tomiquia Moss said, “Until a man is able to have a child, it should rest in the decision-making of women.”

The demonstration started at Civic Center Plaza where state and local leaders held court on state with a direct message for President Trump. 

Representative Barbara Lee told the crowd, “End this shutdown today. End it today.” 

San Francisco Mayor London Breed touted the progress women have made in Congress following the mid-term elections. 

Breed said, “A record number of women, 35 women elected to the House of Representatives.”

Young girls caught on to the message of inclusion that reverberated through the crowd. 

“I stand with Planned Parenthood. I stand for equality of everyone,” sixteen-year-old Carlyn Cunningham said. 

Lola Hockenberry, 25, boasted, “No matter how small you think an impact will have, I think it’s so important that you just get out and show that you’re not going to be suppressed.” 

Zahre Mohsin believes women journalists are under siege. 

“Particularly, right now, is Marzieh Hashemi, who is a female journalist, who’s a US citizen, and she’s being incarcerated right now,” she said. “there are no formal charges. So, we’d really like for her to be free.”

The driving force for some of the women demanding more from the government is the fading sense of nation pride. 

A mother, Tracy Cunningham said, “I see my children and my children’s friends growing up with a different set of expectations for our moral values and beliefs, and that bothers me, here at home and certainly, abroad.”

The rally remained peaceful along as did the other marches that were held around the Bay Area in places like Santa Rosa, Oakland, and San Jose.