WICHITA FALLS, Texas (KXAN) – A North Texas teacher is accused of duct-taping 22 of her students’ mouths shut.

She has since been let go from her job in Wichita Falls.

Reports started surfacing last week that she had put duct tape over students’ mouths. According to students, they were told it was a game. One child reported the duct-tape was put on them so they would be good.

The teacher would take it off whenever they went to the bathroom or hallway.

“It’s a disturbing incident and it is no way indicative of the behavior that we expect out of teachers in our district,” said Wichita Falls ISD employee Ashley Thomas. “And so we want students to know that they can feel safe at school that this is not something that they should fear happening again.”

Counseling is being offered for students.

Police and Child Protective Services are investigating to determine if any criminal charged may be warranted.