TEXAS (CNN) — A Texas school district police officer didn’t know his interview for a job at a constable’s office would lead to his own arrest.

When his polygraph test showed a disturbing sexual history authorities ended up busting him for child pornography.

The charging document goes into detail.

Investigators with the Harris County Precinct 4 Constables Office reviewed Clark’s polygraph from July 14.

“Some of the statements that he made alarmed investigators,” Officer Mark Herman said.

The document says Clark not only admitted he had “looked at nude females under the age of 17,” but also confessed to having sex with two 14-year- old girls when he was 18 in Dallas.

When asked when was the last time he saw child porn online, he said about 10 times last year, and the last time was in June of this year.

The polygraph results were enough for the constable’s office to get a warrant and search his home.

“We ended up recovering hundreds of images of child pornography and illegal photographs of children,” Herman said.

In total, Herman says they recovered thousands of explicit photos.

His office couldn’t go into further detail about other allegations in the document.

Clark’s neighbors are in disbelief.

“There’s children here and there’s children there. You don’t expect to see that in your neighborhood you just don’t,” one neighbor said.

Clark is out of jail on bond.

The school district where he works also put him on administrative leave.

Officials there say he only worked nights, and did not usually interact with students.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: