Texas man charged with beheading wife after police visit

BELLMEAD, Texas (AP) – Police say a Texas man is accused of beheading his wife just hours after officers visited the couple for a welfare check.

Bellmead police Sgt. Kory Martin says officers visited 23-year-old Davie Dauzat and his 21-year-old wife, Natasha, on Thursday at their mobile home in Bellmead after a relative called police. Officers found no trouble and left.

Martin says a relative called police again two hours later to say Dauzat had killed his wife. Police returned and found Natasha Dauzat had been decapitated. The couple’s two toddlers were home, but not hurt.

McLennan County jail records show Dauzat is being held Friday on a murder charge. Bond is set at $500,000. No attorney is listed to speak on his behalf.

Bellmead is 80 miles south of Dallas.