Texas boy, 15, certified as adult in slaying of pregnant mom

GALVESTON, Texas (AP) – A judge has certified a 15-year-old Texas boy to stand trial as an adult in the fatal stabbing and strangling of his mother at their Houston-area home.

The Galveston County Daily News reports that Chance Michael Moseley of La Marque (luh-MARK’) was indicted Aug. 18 on a capital murder charge. Investigators have not indicated a motive in the September death of 33-year-old Nita Moseley.

La Marque police said Nita Moseley, who was about five months pregnant, was stabbed more than 20 times. Chance Moseley was later located in Houston and charged as a juvenile.

Prosecutor Kevin Petroff says a juvenile court judge earlier this month certified Moseley as an adult. If convicted, he won’t face the death penalty because Texas law bars execution for people younger than 17.