Environmentalist groups in San Francisco’s Hunter’s Point are reacting on Friday to the news that two Tetra Tech supervisors have been sentenced for fabricating cleanup data in the neighborhood.

The company’s supervisors admitted to gathering clean soil from other sites and then passing it off as dirt from Hunter’s Point.

It was soil which had been contaminated by the naval shipyard and was supposed to be cleaned up in anticipation of a new housing project there.

For some time, Tetra Tech, the company charged with testing and cleaning up radiological toxins from soil at the Hunters Point naval shipyard, has been accused of falsifying its data.

Now, two supervisors with the company are off to federal prison after having pled guilty in federal court to doing just that.

“We suspect this is just the very beginning, and as I said, this is a sad and vindicating….I told you so for us right now,” Greenaction Community Organizer Brian Butler said.

Greenaction members have been saying for some time the shipyard has not been adequately cleaned and that has sickened the community.

“The community was exposed or potentially exposed to radioactive contamination while they were figuring out the level and degree of fraud was,” Butler said.

Federal prosecutors say one defendant admitted he drove his company truck to an area outside the marked survey unit that he was tasked with remediating, and filled a bucket with clean dirt that he then substituted for legitimate soil samples.

Attorney Charles Bonner just filed a $27 billion dollar class action lawsuit against Tetra Tech on behalf of the community.

“It provides exactly what the people of Hunters Point have been saying that Tetra Tech lied,” Bonner said. “They told everyone in the community they were safe and not to worry, that they were a professional company cleaning up all of the radioactive materials at Hunters Point. And now, in fact, we see that’s not true.”