Tennessee teen says Siri made the call that saved his life

WATERHILL, Tenn. (KRON/AP) – A Tennessee teenager is crediting Siri for saving his life.

18-year-old Sam Ray says the voice recognition service on his iPhone, known as Siri, called emergency dispatchers after his truck fell on him while he was trying to make repairs on the vehicle.

Ray tells media outlets that a jack collapsed, pinning him under nearly 5,000 pounds of metal in a location where he couldn’t be easily seen or heard. He says he was trying to get free when he heard Siri activate.

“I said ‘Call 911,’ and that was all it said.”

Rutherford County dispatcher Christina Lee was on the other end of the line, and says she first thought it was a mistaken pocket-dial. But then she heard his screams for help and sent crews, who rescued him.

He suffered injuries including broken ribs and a crushed kidney from the July 2 incident.

On Friday Ray met Lee. The 911 dispatcher says it was a scary moment but says she was hopeful that the caller could hear her telling him that help was on the way.