SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) — The suspect in a nearly five-hour standoff with police in San Francisco’s Chinatown on Friday that ended with six officers injured has been charged with multiple felonies and misdemeanors, according to the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office.
Jesse Eckardt, 27, has been booked into San Francisco County Jail on suspicion of charges including multiple counts of first-degree burglary, resisting an officer or other emergency official and assaulting an officer,
among others, according to jail records. Initial bail was set at $1.138 million.
Eckardt is alleged to have barricaded himself into an apartment in the 900 block of Pacific Avenue Friday after a resident called 911 around 9:20 a.m. to report someone had broken into their home, according to police.
Responding officers found the suspect still inside and ordered him out, but he barricaded himself in a room. The officers heard one gunshot go off shortly after they arrived, but no injuries were reported as a result.
The building was evacuated and nearby residents ordered to shelter in place.
Police used a flashbang grenade and fired a less-lethal beanbag round at the suspect around 2:15 p.m., at which point he jumped from a ledge on the building through the skylight of another home.
The suspect then allegedly ran through the glass portion of the front door before attacking customers in a neighboring hair salon while still covered with glass.
The suspect also allegedly attacked officers as they took him into custody, causing cuts, abrasions and blood on blood contact. Six officers were taken to the hospital after the incident.
One bystander also suffered a shoulder injury, but was not immediately taken to a hospital, police said.
Police Monday indicated that Eckardt was taken to the hospital after the attack. Jail records indicate he was booked Monday morning.