SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — With the arrival of the summer weather, health experts are warning of bacteria and other food-borne concerns that are more common when temperatures heat up.
Listeria has received a lot of attention recently amid the Blue Bell ice cream scare. Experts say listeria
is a pathogen that likes to grow in cooler temperatures and can populate ice cream dispensing machines. Experts say it’s not a bad idea to ask the person working at the yogurt shop or ice cream truck when the machines were last cleaned. Listeria infections can cause fever and muscle aches and are especially dangerous for pregnant women.
Summertime is barbecue season so another thing to look out for is undercooked meat. Health experts warn ground meat that is not thoroughly cooked is one of the riskiest items to eat because it can carry E. coli.
Ground beef and pork should be cooked to 160 degrees Fahrenheit, ground chicken and turkey to 165 degrees. Experts recommend using a meat thermometer to test the temperature in the middle of your burger.
The hot weather concerns are not only limited to food. Mold, dust, and outdoor pollution trapped in air conditioners can lead to respiratory problems. Experts recommend replacing air conditioning filters at least once a month during the hot weather.