Call it the side hustle nation!

More and more people in the Bay Area are taking on extra work like driving for ride-share companies Uber or Lyft just to make end’s meet.

But other forms of the “side hustle” are growing in popularity.

Nearly 4 in 10 Americans are working another job to bring in extra cash, according to a recent survey by

Men and millennials are most likely to be working an extra job. Fifty-nine percent of side hustlers do it to earn more disposable income. 

But 38 percent say they take on extra work in order to cover ordinary living expenses. The four most popular side jobs are home repair/landscaping, online sales, crafts, and childcare. 

The median side-hustler earns $200 per month and the average is about $686. 

Men are more likely to have a side hustle than women and they tend to make more!

The report says male side hustlers earn an average of $989 per month, nearly triple the $361 earned by women.

Experts recommend you do some competitive research and demanding you get paid what you deserve,

Also, if you have a contract, read it carefully and look for any potential conflicts of interests.