Spare the Air Alert extended through Wednesday

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is extending the Spare the Air Alert due to wildfire smoke until Wednesday, September 9th.

Record-breaking Spare the Air alerts have been impacting the Bay Area for the last three weeks.

“The Labor Day weekend heatwave, combined with tailpipe exhaust and lingering wildfire smoke, is expected to cause unhealthy air quality in the region,” said executive officer of the Air District Jack Broadbent.

“Driving less can help reduce smog and heading indoors when smoke is present can help protect our health,” Broadbent added.

If you smell or see smoke, the Air District urges you stay inside and avoid exposure if possible.

If temperatures are too hot for staying indoors, here is a list of cooling centers.

To find out you current air quality conditions, click here.