Southern California school bullying video shows girl hit boy in head

Cellphone video of a fight at a Southern California high school has students and administrators up in arms.

A brief argument between students plays out, and then a girl hits a boy on the head.

Cellphone video shows the moment a Lancaster High School student assaults one of her peers. He then swings back but misses.

“There’s two stories,” student Samantha Tirada said. “Some people are saying he was rude, others are saying because his clothes smelled bad, and she felt the need to say something, and he got upset and he started arguing with her.”

“You are walking around with the same (bleep) clothes every (bleep) day,” the girl says in the video.

The girl then walks away, but you can hear the person recording laughing at what’s going on.

“That some ugly ass white bitch. A special ed kid, bro,” the person recording said in the video.

It’s at the moment when the physical altercation begins.  

Students tell CNN the boy in the video has special needs.

“It’s wrong, you shouldn’t do that,” Tirada said. “There’s no logical reason to bully someone for something that they have no control of.”

Parents CNN spoke with also concerned.

“My initial reaction is that I just don’t see anyone around, and I even just see the other kids backing away and just watching and feeding it,” mother Veronica Jimenez said.

Jimenez says aside from staff and students, parents also need to step up when it comes to bullying.

“We definitely needed to talk to our kids more, but we need to example it more,” Jimenez said. “I mean, that’s the way you learn by being exampled to.”

The Antelope Valley Union High School District superintendent released a statement that reads in part, “This type of behavior is not tolerated at any of our schools. Appropriate action has been taken with the parties involved by both the school and law enforcement.”

Students say the teen who was assaulted has autism.