Social media-shamed thief returns package to Texas homeowner

TEXAS (KTAB) – A Texas woman is crediting a Facebook post for helping in the return of a stolen package. The item was stolen off her front doorstep in broad daylight and it was all caught on camera.

“My husband told me, I have a package coming can you keep an eye out for it,” stated Kate Miller.

The package never made it to their front door, or so they thought.

“You can track your packages on amazon and he (her husband) had said it was delivered but it wasn’t on our front door,” added Miller. “I didn’t hear a knock on the door, I didn’t see the UPS man. Our mail came as usual but it just goes through the mail slot.”

Something else came to their door that day.

A woman who took the package and left.

Miller was shocked. She posted the screenshots of the woman to Facebook hoping to find the thief.

“Luckily it was nothing expensive so this was more just like the fact of the matter of where you know what you did was wrong and I’m not going to let someone get away with that,” explained Miller.

Many people saw the post, including the women they believed stole the package.

“It was around 12:30 in the morning and we heard a banging on the door,” Miller said, “The female was outside of our door asking for forgiveness saying she didn’t mean to do it.”

The woman even brought the package back. What was in the box?

A cheap car part and a water filter.

“My advice is just for anybody. With Mother’s Day coming up or holidays or birthdays, just be mindful.”

The Miller family did call police and are working with APD to decide if they will be pressing charges on the woman.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: