Social media reacts to first Clinton-Trump debate

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (WISH) –  Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton squared off in the first presidential debate Monday evening.

Monday evening at Hofstra University was the first time the presidential candidates shared the same stage since the campaign began.

The candidates went back and forth over a number of issues, but the number one topic was the economy, jobs, guns and terror.

The early portion of the debate saw the candidates making the case that their plan to create jobs was best.

There were also several times when candidates would talk over one another and even debate moderator Lester Holt.

When asked about his releasing his tax returns, Trump mentioned Clinton’s deleted emails.

Following the recent police shootings in Tulsa and Charlotte, the candidates were asked about race relations in America.

Trump was also asked about his claims about President Obama’s birth certificate.

Twitter made their feelings on these exchanges and topics known.