BAY AREA (KRON) — We’ve asked everyone to send a picture of their furry little creature along with a cute story as to why their pet is so amazing. How many of you can relate to this story?
Meet my adorable dodgy niece Lexi, I live with my brother, his fiancé, and this blue-eyed cutie.
Like clockwork, every day I hear the sound of my 4:30 a.m. alarm followed by four little paws running to my door to wish me hello followed by a lick.
With the ball in her mouth, she sits by my side watching me get ready for work each morning.
As soon as I grab my purse off my bedroom floor, she drops her ball and runs to the kitchen where I find her waiting for her morning cookie.
While I make a cup of coffee she eats her cookie, gives me a lick on the foot when she’s done, then runs off back to bed with my brother and his finance.
She is an important part of my morning routine and couldn’t imagine getting through the week without her!