Mother’s Day is May 13th. Hopefully, that nugget of information isn’t coming as a surprise to you. If it is, it’s definitely time to rally and get moving.
Flowers are a perennial Mother’s Day gift for a reason: Moms eat ‘em up with a spoon. Right now, you can not only score your mother a gift she’ll love, but you can save yourself $20 in the process with this special $40 credit offer to Teleflora for 50% off — just $20.
Teleflora offers up dozens of gorgeous hand-arranged flower bouquets, baskets, centerpieces and other items, all delivered directly to Mom’s door, no matter where she lives in the U.S.A. or Canada.
Flower prices always skyrocket around major holidays like Mother’s Day, but if you get in with this deal now, your $40 will partially or, in many cases, entirely cover the cost of your arrangement.
In case you feel a pang of guilt about buying from a big national outfit instead of a Mom and Pop florist near you, relax. Your Teleflora order actually gets serviced by a local florist near your Mom, no matter whether she lives in Hayward, Napa, San Jose or even non-Bay Area neighborhoods everywhere.
Mom gets an amazing Mother’s Day surprise, a local florist gets the business and you get the satisfaction of a happy mother, a community supported and an extra $20 in your pocket. It’s an across-the-board win-win!