ANTIOCH (BCN) — Poor wind and water conditions are preventing a search for a

motorcyclist who fell off the Antioch Bridge in a traffic collision Sunday

afternoon, a Sacramento County sheriff’s spokeswoman said Tuesday.

Crews have been searching since the motorcyclist flew over the

west side of the bridge after colliding with a Honda at about 4:30 p.m.

Sunday, according to the California Highway Patrol.

The motorcycle was found on the bridge but there was no sign of

the rider. The driver of the Honda stayed at the scene and was not injured,

CHP officials said.

U.S. Coast Guard and Contra Costa County Fire Protection District

crews searched throughout Sunday evening, halting the rescue operation at

about 6:30 p.m. as the sun set. They found some gear presumed to be the

rider’s but could find no sign of him, alive or dead.

The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department’s marine unit searched

the area on Monday but called off the search in the afternoon because of high

winds and rough waters, sheriff’s Sgt. Lisa Bowman said today.

The search remains suspended today as the poor marine conditions

have continued, Bowman said. An undertide may have dragged the man underwater

and he could be wedged somewhere.

“At this point we’re just waiting for better conditions so we can

get our boats in,” Bowman said.