Saturday friends and family members of Jenna Scott and Michael Swearingin organized search parties to look for clue in the pair’s disappearance. They say they’ll continue to look for them until they’re found.
“It’s very surreal honestly. It’s still a week later hasn’t really sunk in, but we are going to do whatever we can at all costs,” said Richie Davis, a close friend of Jenna and Michael.
Davis was leading the search party at Arrowhead Point Park Saturday morning. He said Michael was one of his best friends.
“He just has some of the best morals of any person I have ever met. I mean if I could pick anybody I know to be like, it would be him,” said Davis.
He also knew Jenna for over 13 years.
“She’s a wonderful mother to her daughter. She radiated positivity around people,” he said.
Davis said the search efforts are focused on large bodies of water and open fields. Parties today stretched all the way from Austin to Temple. They’re looking for anything the pair might have had on them when they disappeared — like clothing or cellphones.
“Right now there isn’t much and at this point we’re looking for any clue what so ever,” said Davis.
Davis said Michael and Jenna’s disappearance remains a mystery to him.
“They’re not the type of people that would up and leave and run away. They’re the type of people that would let anyone close to them know exactly what they were doing at anytime,” he said.