After a lot of debate and wrangling, scooters are coming back to San Francisco.

The two-wheel, motorized vehicles caused a lot of commotion when they suddenly appeared on the streets of the city a few months ago. 

There were many complaints which led to the city removing them from the streets. 

Now a compromise has been struck.

A spokesperson with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, Paul Rose, says the contract begins on Oct. 15.

Rose says they issued two contracts to companies and they proved that they would honor the safety issues put in to make sure it is safe.

The contracts are with Scoot and Skip. 

According to Rose, they are going to have issued two separate contracts at 625 scooters each.

This will be a pilot program for a year and after six months they are going to review.

If everything runs smoothly, 2,500 scooters will be open for use. 

The companies have promised that safety is key and that they will make sure scooters are as safe as they can be.