SAN MATEO COUNTY (KRON) — San Mateo County and Santa Clara County residents have tested positive for the Zika virus, according to the California Department of Public Health.

The CDPH said the San Mateo County resident infected got it while traveling abroad and is now fully recovered. There is no risk that the virus will spread, the CDPH said.

The Santa Clara County resident also caught the virus while traveling and was not pregnant. It is not clear if the San Mateo County resident was pregnant or not.

No other information is being released by the counties.

“There is no reason for the general public to be concerned that they are at risk for getting Zika in San Mateo County at this time,” said Dr. Scott Morrow, San Mateo County Health Officer. “Zika virus is not circulating in our County and the few cases in California to date resulted from contracting the virus while traveling abroad. Taking precautions when traveling, based on CDC guidelines, is the best means of protection from Zika.”

The disease is primarily transmitted by two species of mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Zika is spread when those mosquitoes bite a person who has an active Zika virus infection and then bites another person.

The CDPH said the mosquitoes are mostly found in tropical countries.

Aedes mosquito larvae were identified in Menlo Park in May 2015 by the San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District, the CDPH said. But the mosquito is not native to San Mateo County.

“Although there is no evidence in California of mosquitoes carrying Zika virus or of illnesses associated with the Aedes mosquito, people should always take steps to avoid mosquito bites,” Dr. Morrow said. “This includes wearing insect repellent when necessary and removing standing water around homes and properties to keep mosquitoes from breeding. Residents should stay current on international travel alerts for countries where Zika virus is circulating, particularly women who are or may become pregnant.”

Stay with KRON for updates on this breaking news story. KRON News starts at 11 p.m.WEB LINKS:

For more Zika information and the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, visit

For more San Mateo County Health System Zika information, visit

For more information visit