SAN JOSE (BCN) — Crews with the Santa Clara County Vector Control District will conduct fogging operations starting Thursday night in San Jose after
mosquitoes carrying the West Nile Virus were detected, county officials said.
West Nile Virus does not cause any symptoms in most people, but some people die of the disease, which can be transmitted through mosquito bites.
The virus came to California in 2003 and since then 229 people have died. Fifty-three Californians died last year of the disease.
Weather permitting, fogging will start at 11 p.m. and go until about 2 a.m. Friday in an area covering at least part of zip codes 95125 and
The operations will be centered at Guadalupe Parkway and West Capitol Expressway and will be bordered by Ironwood Drive and Altino Boulevard in the north, Braham Lane and Chynoweth Avenue in the south, Hillcap Avenue, Snell Avenue and Kingspark Drive in the east and Almaden Expressway in the west.
A map of the fogging area can be found at
Part of the area was fogged on June 23, but since then mosquitoes in the area tested positive for the virus.
“West Nile Virus positive mosquitoes discovered along the north side of the last fogging zone (June 23rd) has prompted a fogging to further reduce disease transmission there,” Santa Clara County Vector Control District Surveillance Manager Noor Tietze said.
Residents should expect to get door hangers starting today notifying them of the fogging. Residents of the affected zip codes will get a notice through the AlertSCC system and residents who subscribe to Nextdoor will see a notice on the social media site.
The Vector Control District is also sending a general notice through social media platforms including Yahoo Groups, Twitter and the Vector Control District’s app.
Residents can ask questions of vector control staff from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday and Friday at (800) 314-2427 or by email at