SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — Controversy is brewing Tuesday over a T- Shirt line launched by the retail store Target. The shirt, created by the East Coast-based company “Local Pride,” uses the phrase “San Fran” with a rainbow next to it.
Bay Area locals cringe at the term San Fran.
The T-Shirt, which is being sold in San Francisco’s Mission District, is being sold in the men’s section next to a T-Shirt that says “conservative” on it.
The T-Shirt was spotted by a San Francisco resident who feels that The City should not be called “San Fran.”
The T-Shirt line is created by an Iowa native, Todd Snyder. Local Pride is based in New York City.
There has been a huge outrage on social media about the T-Shirt.
“This collection is about the sense of discovery,” Local Pride designer Todd Snyder said in a Target press release. “We want to be your tour guide, showcasing the unique aspects of the local cities. I have visited some of the coolest spots and spoken to a lot of locals in each city that helped me design original, exclusive and fun designs.”
Bay Area locals have taken offense to other abbreviated terms used by Bay Area outsiders who sometimes refer to San Francisco as “Frisco.” So we ask: what’s worse “San Fran” or “Frisco?”