SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — The San Francisco Zoo debuted its new sculpture park Saturday, complete with snakes, whales, ants and translations in Klingon.

The new sculpture garden designed by sculptor Ron Holthuysen (best known for the giant glove at AT&T park) features 60 realistic sculptures of rare and endangered species.

Joe Fitting, vice president of education and conservation at the zoo says the new sculpture garden gives a new unique hands-on experience to learning.

“We want to transform how people think of the zoo,” Fitting said “this is a 100 acre classroom, offering an interesting way to connect people with nature.”

The sculptures are grouped according to their classification as fish, amphibians, mammals, birds and reptiles, and invertebrates.  Water is a theme of the display, as a vital source for all life, with the word water translated in 40 different languages, including Klingon.

The sculpture garden is one of many new features coming the San Francisco zoo.  In July the zoo will open a South American Tropical Rainforest Garden in conjunction with the renovation and grand re-opening of this historic 1930s Aviary Building.