SAN FRANCISCO (KRON/BCN) — A man demanding food and shelter from two residents of San Francisco’s Mission District on Monday afternoon later forced his way into their home and stabbed one of the residents, police said Tuesday.

The 30-year-old man walked into the home in the 3900 block of 23rd Street at 2:50 p.m. and asked one of the residents, a 50-year-old woman, for food and shelter.

The woman gave him food but asked him to leave. He continued making his way into the home so another resident, a 38-year-old man, pushed him through the front door and locked him out, police said.

But the suspect returned at about 4:40 p.m., forced his way through the back door and stabbed the man in the arm and thigh.

The suspect ran from the home and remains at large.

The resident was taken to a hospital to be treated for his stab wounds and is expected to recover, police said.