SAN RAFAEL (BCN) — A man was arrested Saturday afternoon after police in San Rafael were contacted two times for two separate parties that included underage drinking, according to police.

Police said officers initially responded at 3:52 p.m. to an address on Aisle Royal Court on reports of a noise complaint and discovered an underage party.

According to police, officers witnessed several individuals attempting to leave the home and upon further investigation discovered the resident of the home, 22-year-old Justin Hall, was on probation for a previous offense and entered the home.

Police said officers identified all the individuals that appeared intoxicated and found their ages ranged from 16 to 18. All of their parents were contacted and responded to pick them up.

Hall was cited for violation of probation and contributing to the delinquency of a minor and for violating the City of San Rafael social host ordinance.

According to police, about an hour after the first incident, officers were called out again by a neighbor advising Hall had started the party again.

Officers responded and again found minors as young as 15 this time in the home. Police said all of the parents were contacted and Hall was arrested.