San Carlos residents warned to be on lookout for burglars

SAN CARLOS (BCN) — The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office is warning residents to be on the lookout for burglars after a San Carlos resident caught a man prowling in his backyard Wednesday afternoon.

San Mateo County sheriff’s deputies were called to the 200 block of Alberta Avenue at 12:20 p.m. on a report of a suspect seen in a backyard.

The resident told them he had heard loud noises coming from his backyard and then saw a person walk past his window, officials said.

The resident said he ran after the suspect but lost sight of him about a block away.

A witness told deputies an older model gold van with a white front-end drove quickly away from the scene just before deputies arrived.

There was no damage or loss to property, but sheriff’s office officials said there have been several residential burglaries in the city of

San Carlos within the past month. Residents are strongly encouraged to stay alert and report any suspicious activity in their neighborhoods.