A high school in the North Bay is dealing with a wave of reported suspensions related to drugs.

Some students say the punishment is too harsh for the alleged crime. 

KRON4 came to Windsor High School after being contacted by a concerned person who said multiple students were recently suspended, and one expelled, for allegedly using a social media account to sell and buy marijuana.

Calls to the superintendent’s office in the Windsor Unified School District were referred to the principal at Windsor High who late Tuesday issued a statement, saying, “Rumors around an event can stretch the truth: There were not 65 students involved in any incident last week. The need for student confidentiality prevents me from sharing any details involving any ongoing investigation.”

The principle continues in her email, stating safety is a priority during an investigation and that they will honor the state’s education code during any process. 

“I think it is wrong,” one student said. “The kids should not have been suspended. There is no one to watch them at home.”

Several students had heard about the situation.

There are about 1,700 students at Windsor high school.

Here is the full statement from the school:

Rumors around an event can stretch the truth;  there were not 65 students involved in any incident last week.  The need for student confidentiality prevents me from sharing any details involving any ongoing investigation.  While I cannot speak to any event last week, I can share this with you:

Number 1, If we find ourselves in an investigation, Windsor High School works to ensure the safety of our students by providing confidentiality for the students and their families.  We help our students grow by offering  support and education should a student need, in addition to consequences outlined by our board policy and the California Ed Code. 

Number 2, If an event or incident does come up, we ensure that we proceed thoughtfully and thoroughly. We rely not only on our board policy and administrative regulations, but also on the California Education Code to guide our investigation.  If needed, we also partner with our school resource officer, depending on the situation.

Finally, Number 3,  Student safety is the highest priority for Windsor High School and for the Windsor Unified School District.  We utilize all resources at our disposal to ensure our student safety.  Windsor Staff works with staff and students, with parents and our resource officer and law enforcement, and with county support agencies to ensure that we keep student safety at the center of everything we do.

The principle has now confirmed at 20 kids face school consequences and that could include suspensions.