SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — A new report from the Auto Insurance Center shows fatal car accidents in California occur at some of the fastest speeds in the nation.

The authors looked at 12,000 fatal car crashes from around the country.

They found that Montana and Georgia had the highest average vehicle speeds, 69 and 70 miles per hour, during fatal accidents. Iowa had the lowest average speed at just 21 miles per hour.

The report also looks at accidents in cities on individual roads as well as the age of drivers involved.

In Oakland, fatal accidents happen at an average of 64 miles per hour. That is third in the country.

San Jose came in seventh at 61 miles per hour

Interstate 580 in the East Bay also made the list. Fatal accidents along that route average 68 miles per hour.

The study also examined the age of the drivers involved in fatal accidents and compared that to the speeds they were traveling.

The study also concludes that teenagers and drivers in their 20s are involved in the most fatal high-speed accidents and that as people age, they tend to drive slower and are in fewer fatal collisions.