Heat wave: Red Flag Warning issued for parts of Bay Area

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) – “Yeah it’s going to be extreme. Very hot time to stay inside and drink lots of water,” said a Bay Area resident.

Officials are warning of extreme fire danger in Contra Costa County due to a hot weather forecast.

A Red Flag Warning has been issued in the North Bay, East Bay Hills, and Interior Valleys, according to the National Weather Service.

Contra Costa County is expecting a dangerous mix of high temperatures, low humidity, and winds gusting up to 50 miles per.

If history is any indicator, last October Contra Costa County experienced similar conditions and at least ten major fires in a 15-hour period, including one that jumped the Carquinez Bridge.

Officials are warning people to stay ready for possible wildfires. Many residents have cleared out brush to create a defensible space around their properties. 

The warning will be in effect at 9 p.m. tonight through 9 p.m. Monday. The National Weather Service tweeted about the warning, asking people to do their part.

Contra Costa County has added several wildland fire engines and crews to help if fires do breakout. Residents in the area say the warning and talk of high temps keep them on edge.

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