SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – People all over the nation are reacting to the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the United State Supreme Court.
Hear from political analysts:
Here are some tweets:
After being announced by @POTUS as the next Assoc Justice #SCOTUS Neil Gorsuch greets Maureen & Fr. Scalia
— Sean Spicer (@PressSec) February 1, 2017
Join me in supporting Judge Neil Gorsuch for the U.S. Supreme Court! #SCOTUS
— Rick Santorum (@RickSantorum) February 1, 2017
The best person for the job! #scotus
— Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) February 1, 2017
Judge Neil Gorsuch: “Mr. President, I am honored, and I am humbled.” #SCOTUS
— CNN (@CNN) February 1, 2017
Judge Neil Gorsuch is a phenomenal nominee for the #SCOTUS.
— Paul Ryan (@SpeakerRyan) February 1, 2017
Now more than ever, we need a Justice who is independent, eschews ideology, who will preserve our democracy & protect fundamental rights.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) February 1, 2017
Judge Gorsuch’s radical views on women’s rights are deeply troubling to everyone fighting to #ProtectOurCare
— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) February 1, 2017
If #NeilGorsuch gets on the SCOTUS he could serve for 30 years and rule on thousands of cases. The damage he’ll do is hard to exaggerate.
— John Iadarola (@johniadarola) February 1, 2017
The #NRA applauds the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill Justice Antonin Scalia’s #SCOTUS seat! #2A
— NRA (@NRA) February 1, 2017
Conservative #SCOTUS pick Neil Gorsuch sees the constitution and follows the words on the document.
Liberals see words that aren’t there.
— Hutch (@LawlessPirate) February 1, 2017
i assume merrick garland is just going to sit around in a scotus robe with a decaying gavel like miss havisham
— Libby Nelson (@libbyanelson) February 1, 2017
Only the haters and losers would obstruct @realDonaldTrump‘s #SCOTUS pick. Gorsuch is a legal giant!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DenaldJTrumpJr) February 1, 2017
The Democrats should treat Trump’s SCOTUS pick with the exact same courtesy the GOP showed Merrick Garland. Don’t flinch, don’t back down
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) February 1, 2017
This is our Supreme Court, not a g-damn reality-tv show! What an embarrassment! Give him NOTHING Democrats. Garland!#SCOTUS #EightIsEnough
— Amy Siskind (@Amy_Siskind) February 1, 2017