LAWRENCE, Kan. (KSNT) — It started with a Snapchat photo that spread on social media Monday night from one girl’s Snapchat account who goes to K.U.
“I’m appalled,” University of Kansas Student, Shannon Lewis said. “I can’t believe that someone would take time out of their day to make such a terrible remark to anyone.”
That one photo had the K.U. Athletics Department suspend Sophmore, Lili Gagin from the cheerleading squad. KSNT News found out the 3 men in the photo have also been suspended from K.U.’s Spirit Squad.
“The freedom of expression clause in the Constitution based on the freedom of speech should actually be limited by college campuses — especially when it’s used in such an ignorant manor,” University of Kansas Student, Michael Braman said.
Back in September of 2016, another racially insensitive post was shared by K-State student, Paige Shoemaker and her friend with a black mask — which quickly got her expelled. Lili Gagin posted a tweet saying her Snapchat account was used by someone else. But one student wasn’t accepting that as an excuse.
“Pictures can’t really be hacked is my take on that,” Lewis said.
After speaking to students on campus, KSNT News found out Gagin is in Chi Omega Sorority. KSNT News reached out to the sorority’s recruitment chair, Alex Dahlgren, who didn’t want to go on camera. However, she told KSNT News the sorority doesn’t tolerate racism.
Dahlgren said they’re in the process of taking disciplinary action once Gagin returns to campus on Monday.