GARRETT, Ind. (WANE) – Garrett police have a juvenile in custody after a family said their 3-year-old girl was put in a washer and dryer by her babysitter and his friends. Since the family posted about it on Facebook, it has caused national and international outrage.

#JusticeForRaelyn has trended on social media all over the United States as well as abroad in countries such as Australia, England and China.

The DeKalb County Prosecutor, Claramary Winebrenner, said two young children were left in the care of a 14-year-old babysitter. Allegedly, some of the babysitter’s friends joined them, and at some point, one or more of the teenagers placed a three-year-old child in a washing machine, and then into a dryer. One of them turned the dryer on several times, and the young child sustained multiple bruises all over her body. It is also alleged they were imitating a YouTube stunt involving an animal as the victim.

Missy Camp said it’s her 3-year-old daughter, Raelyn Camp, who was put into their washer and dryer by the babysitter.

On Saturday, June 2, Missy Camp said she left Raelyn and her 5-year-old daughter in the care of a long time family friend, a 14-year-old boy, while she went to spend time with her family. Missy said the boy had babysat her daughters before.

When Missy came to pick up her daughters the next day, she found bruises all over Raelyn’s body.

“It’s hard to explain,” Missy said. “I go home. I’m upset, but at the same time I feel like I can’t really sit and cry and I need to keep both of my kids happy, not as depressed about it.”

Missy said her apartment was also trashed. Two of her toilets, her T.V., and a window were broken. Food and pop cans were everywhere. Drugs, like Xanax, were on the floor, according to Missy.

Missy said her 5-year-old daughter, Raelyn’s older sister, told her what happened. She told her mother the babysitter invited three of his friends over. Missy said she has been told by other sources that the four boys were drinking.

According to Raelyn’s sister, the boys turned the washer on until it was filled with water and then put Raelyn in it. They also put her in the dryer.

Missy said a doctor has told them there are also possible signs of sexual abuse. She said child services will soon help test Raelyn for rape.

She said Raelyn has not been the same since the weekend.

“She’s quiet,” Missy said. “Like usually she’s very hyper, running around, going crazy and all that but lately she just kind of wants to sit on the couch and cuddle. She doesn’t eat as much.”

When Missy’s sister, Madison Camp, heard what happened to her neice she posted pictures of Raelyn on Facebook with #JusticeForRaelyn. The post had more than 180,000 shares. Missy and Madison said they have both been receiving thousands of messages and friend requests from all over the country and the world.

“She’s my niece,” Madison said. “She’s like everything to me. She’s literally like my life. I love her so much. I just want her to have the clarity she deserves.”

Missy is also looking for justice.

“My first goal is to just get one to break down and just kind of admit or say who did it and from there press charges and hopefully they get what they deserve,” she said.

Missy explained that the babysitter said he took Raelyn to the park and she fell off a merry-go-round.

Garrett Police Department chief, Roland McPherson, said they have been investigating the case since they received the police report on Sunday. He told NewsChannel 15 that it’s unfortunate that people are going on Facebook to discuss the situation before all the facts have been truly represented. They started interviews about the case on Thursday morning and by evening had detained a juvenile in relation to the case. They said charges are pending. They are working with DeKalb County Department of Child Services, DeKalb County Probation Department and the DeKalb Prosecutor’s Office on the investigation.

In regards to the case, Winebrenner said certain incorrect and dangerous allegations appear to be spreading at a rapid rate on Facebook and other social media, and such inaccurate information must be addressed. She firstly said that it’s not true that ‘nothing can be done because the alleged perpetrators are juveniles.’ She said secondly, ‘one of the special protections of the juvenile code is that the identity of juvenile offenders is confidential.’ She also gave reminders of the ‘danger posed by allowing videos of dangerous experiments to remain on YouTube’ and the ‘danger of spreading or believing information on Facebook that has not been verified.’