A proposed Marin County ordinance would prohibit the sale of flavored tobacco, electronic and menthol cigarettes.

The move is recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services that show the number of high school juniors in the county who regularly vape doubled from 11-percent to 28-percent. 

VIP San Rafael customers and employees disagree with the prohibition of the products that they say helped them ditch traditional cigarettes. 

Rebecca Williams works at the smoke shop and says vaping is healthier than smoking cigarettes. 

“There are less ingredients and there are less carcinogens in a vape than a cigarette,” she said. “So, all in all, I think the main focus here needs to be keeping people off cigarettes and onto a healthier alternative.”

But Marin County Public Health Officer, Dr. Matt Willis, said, “almost a third of Marin high school juniors are regularly using these harmful products that are highly addictive. With such a rapid increase, it’s time for us to double down and take strong policy action.”

Opponents argue an issue that should be taken up instead, is where the teens are getting the products from considering you must be 21 years old with an ID for purchase.