President George H.W. Bush passed away at the age of 94 on Friday, November 30th. Politicians shared their condolences. 

Governor Rick Scott issued a statement on Saturday, December 1, 2018 on the passing of President George H.W. Bush:

Today, the world lost a statesman who was the symbol of the highest level of civil commitment and who helped weave the fabric of an America that represents freedom and prosperity. The contributions of George H.W. Bush to our country were beyond that of his presidency. As a Naval aviator and fighter pilot, Congressman, Ambassador to the United Nations, Director of the CIA, Vice President and President, George H.W. Bush dedicated his life to service to our nation and vowed to use his presidency and the power of our nation as “a force for good.” I have had the privilege of knowing the Bush family for years and am incredibly grateful to have met such a genuine, gracious and kind man.

“The United States of America is stronger today because of the selfless service of 41. Ann and I send our deepest condolences, thoughts and prayers to the Bush family as they mourn the loss and celebrate the amazing life of George H.W. Bush.”

House Majority Leader Nathaniel Ledbetter (R – Rainsville) on Saturday released the following statement upon news that President George H.W. Bush passed away at age 94:

“The members of the Alabama House Republican Caucus join the rest of the nation and freedom-loving people around the world in mourning the loss of President George H.W. Bush. 

He will be considered among the greatest of our one-term presidents, and most will agree that our nation would have been spared much drama and turmoil had he been elected to a second term. 

He was both a gentleman and a gentle man who offered an example for others to follow. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family as they celebrate 94 years of a life well lived.”

U.S. Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) released the following statement regarding the passing of the 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush:

“President George H.W. Bush was a true American statesman and hero.  He dedicated his life to serving the country he loved for more than 70 years.  From a young Naval aviator shot down in WWII to Commander-in-Chief, President Bush led our nation with integrity, honor, and measure.  Annette and I join all Americans in mourning his passing.  His legacy of humility and devotion will never be forgotten.”

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement today regarding the passing of President George Herbert Walker Bush:

“When any public figure passes away, it causes us to pause and reflect on the life they lived. 

“I came of age during the presidency of George H. W. Bush. He was our President when I graduated from high school in 1989. He was the first presidential candidate I ever voted for in 1992. I even dressed as him for Halloween in 1991! 

“It is difficult to fully appreciate a great man in the middle of their time of service, but both then and in hindsight, President Bush was an example of true public service.

“As a young student and later as an elected official starting out in public life, President Bush’s intellect, leadership, and moral courage influenced me greatly. 

“He was an American hero of a kind we may never see again. His record of service to our nation has no contemporary parallel. He volunteered for service in World War II, becoming the youngest aviator in the Navy at the time of his enlistment. Then, he went on to serve our nation as a Congressman from Texas, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, chairman of the Republican National Committee, chief diplomat in China, Director of the CIA, Vice President of the United States, and President of the United States. 

“But beyond his extraordinary record of service, George H. W. Bush deserves to be remembered for the profound personal example he set for all Americans. He was a dedicated husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. He instilled in his family a drive for serving others and giving back to the American people. He continued to show his quality in the latter years of his life, when he devoted himself to charity, befriended his once adversary in President Clinton, and even shaved his head in solidarity with a young cancer patient whose father served in his Secret Service detail. From beginning to end, George Bush’s life was a life well lived.

“George H. W. Bush once pledged that he would, ‘keep America moving forward, always forward—for a better America, for an endless enduring dream and a thousand points of light.’ President Bush wasn’t just one of those points of light himself, he was among the brightest of them. He has already heard his creator say to him ‘Well done my good and faithful servant.’ May he rest in eternal peace.”

Statement from Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence on the passing of Former President George H. W. Bush:

“Karen and I were saddened to learn of the passing of President George H.W. Bush and we send our deepest sympathies to the entire Bush family. President Bush loved his family, loved this country and his legacy will be a lifetime of service to the United States of America. 

Beginning with his service as a Naval Aviator in WWII, where he flew 58 combat missions and was shot down over the Pacific, George H. W. Bush always answered the call to serve America. 

His years in Congress, as a diplomat, CIA Director and Vice President of the United States were characterized by modesty, integrity, and patriotism. His years as the 41st President of the United States left America and the world more peaceful, prosperous and secure. 

During this difficult time, we send our prayers and deepest condolences to the entire Bush family. We join them and the American people in mourning the passing of this good and great man. His example will always inspire and his lifetime of service will be enshrined in the hearts of the American people forever. God Bless President George H.W. Bush.”

Speaker of the House Mac McCutcheon (R – Monrovia) on Saturday released the following statement regarding the passing of President George H.W. Bush at 94-years-old:

“President George H.W. Bush epitomized all that is great about public service.  A man of means who could have lived a life of comfort and relaxation, he chose instead to open himself to the criticism that politics and difficult decisions often bring. 

Our nation is better off for the service that he gallantly offered both in office and as a veteran of World War II. During his presidency, the Berlin Wall fell, the Iron Curtain was finally parted, and our world became more stable and secure under his watch.  

President Bush is now reunited with his beloved Barbara and the daughter, Robin, that they lost.  

History will be kind to him, which is just and deserved.”

More goodbyes: Saying goodbye to President George H. W. Bush