SALINAS (BCN) — Investigators are asking the public to help identify a suspect involved in a violent confrontation in Salinas last year, police said Tuesday.

On Nov. 21 in the parking lot of the Hacienda Mexican Grill at 1449 N. Davis Road, two men were confronted by a group of individuals.

A 24-year-old man was “sucker punched” before he fell to the ground, hitting his head on concrete and losing consciousness.

A 44-year-old man attempted to stop the group from continuing to hit the younger victim has he lay on the ground, unconscious. While doing so, one of the suspects slashed him across the face with a knife.

Both victims were transported to a hospital.

Surveillance video captured an image of the slashing suspect, who is wanted on suspicion of criminal mayhem, but the image is very grainy and investigators haven’t been able to identify him.

Anyone with additional information about the case is asked to contact the Salinas Police Department’s investigations bureau at (831) 758-7226 or Detective McKinley at (831) 758-7145.

Anonymous callers can reach the Anonymous Tip Line at (831) 775-4222.