ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – KRQE has obtained police lapel video after a mother was accused of driving drunk with her kids in the truck twice in a matter of weeks.
In her latest run-in with the law, police said she was passed out at the wheel after a crash, as her kids just sat and waited in the backseat.
People with kids playing basketball on Monday, August 8, at Arroyo Del Oso Park in northeast Albuquerque, heard a crash and called police.
“She has a little boy and a baby in there and the doors are locked and she didn’t see my car,” said the woman who owned the car that had been hit.
Police said Symone Largo was passed out behind the wheel after crashing into a parked car. Her 10-year-old son and two-year-old daughter had been sitting in the back.
“Can you hang out with your sister for just a minute, okay? Take care of her,” an officer told the boy.
According to a criminal complaint, APD found vodka and beer cans in the truck.
This happened just two weeks after, police said, Largo stopped in the middle of the road at Montgomery Park. When an officer approached her on Wednesday, July 27, Largo told police her husband was playing Pokémon GO, but police also claim she admitted to drinking and her kids were sitting in the backseat.
Police arrested her then for child abuse, a case that’s still pending, but court records show she posted bond and was back on the road before racking up her most recent charges: child abuse, aggravated DWI and driving on a revoked license.
“Can you count backwards from 47 to 28? Try that,” an officer told Largo.
She stared silently as an officer tried to test her sobriety.
Medics took her to the hospital while police searched the truck for evidence and tried to find somewhere safe for her kids.
“One car seat at best, two children,” an officer said while examining the truck at the scene.
Records show Largo posted bond again and has been out of jail for two weeks.
As a conditions of her release, Largo is supposed to be on pre-trial supervision and she is not supposed to drink alcohol or enter liquor establishments.
Police said they contacted CYFD, but CYFD did not get back to KRQE News 13 with the status of its investigation. Largo’s family did not want to speak.