In San Mateo, neighbors along a quiet street got an unexpected visitor early Wednesday morning. 

A mountain lion was captured on surveillance video along Hobart Avenue. 

It was spotted at the house across the street there, but neighbors say this sighting has really caught them off guard. 

The San Mateo Police Department says they received a call from a neighbor along Hobart Avenue saying his surveillance cameras had spotted a mountain lion prowling around his home around midnight. 

This is video of the big cat in the driveway and this angle is from the backyard. 

Police searched the area but couldn’t find any trace of the cat. 

Along Hobart, neighbors were surprised that the predator had passed through. 

Bruce Fowler lives across the street, and he says their motion detecting lights were turning off and on early Wednesday morning. 

“And they have been going off unexpectedly. So maybe the animal was over here.”

He also says they’ve never seen a mountain lion here before. 

“Deer and raccoons are about the biggest we get over here typically.”

Although the mountain lion wasn’t acting aggressively, police are asking that neighbors take some basic precautions just in case. 

They advise keeping a close watch on small children and pets when hiking and avoid areas where mountain lions are active. 

They also say that if you see a mountain lion, don’t run. Face it, make noise, and throw rocks. 

Bruce, who has a dog, says they’re going to change up their routine just to be safe. 

“Oh yea, we won’t let our dog out at all, make sure the doggy door is closed up, not taking any chances at all.”

Finally, mountain lions are most active at dusk, dawn, and at night.