Photo shows ’20 pounds of feces’ dropped on San Francisco sidewalk

Picture this — it’s a beautiful day in San Francisco.

Sun’s shining, birds flying, the scent of the ocean’s in the air. 

Then you see (or smell) a humongous bag of poop on the street and it all goes downhill from there. 

If you’ve ever randomly wondered what 20 pounds of poop looks like, a photo posted to Reddit shows you just that.

The bag of poop was reportedly seen on the corner of Polk and Cedar Saturday. 

Reddit user tusi2 said the bag was removed as of Sunday around 10 a.m. 

The sight was first reported via San Francisco’s Citizen app for identifying crimes. 

A screenshot of that report was posted on Reddit.

“The Department of Public Works has been notified and are responding [to] clean up the hazard,” can be seen as the response to the report. 

Tusi2 said “it smelled like a farm or fertilizer or something. At least it was physically well-contained, but if there was ever a need for 311, this was it. “